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My Short Review: The monk who sold his Ferrari By Robin S. Sharma

Writer's picture: Siddhartha DebSiddhartha Deb

Abstract: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life, and the subsequent wisdom that he gains on a life-changing odyssey that enables him to create a life of passion, purpose, and peace.

What’s in it for me? Discover the Sivana Principles and Virtues, which can transform our lives.


The virtues of the Sivana system :

1. Finding fulfillment is mastering your mind(First virtue of Sivana System).

Only let pleasant, positive thoughts in and ban the detrimental ones.

2. To lead a fulfilling life, we need a purpose to guide us (Second virtue of the Sivana System).

Have clearly defined goals. To hit a target, we need a goal.

The five-step method by sages :

First- create a mental image of the outcome.

Second- Place pressure on yourself, but in a good way. It can be a source of inspiration to reach full potential. E.g., tell others about your goal.

Third- Construct a timeline with a deadline in sight.

Fourth- The Magic Rule of 21.21day - behavior becomes a habit.

Fifth- Enjoy the process!

3. Constant self-improvement is key to radiant life.

This virtue is called Kaizen, which means constant, never-ending improvement.

It is all about unlocking our potential.

10 Rituals of radiant living by the sages:

1st Ritual: Ritual of Solitude. Include a moment of silence in our daily routine. It calms our minds to access our creativity.

2nd R: Ritual of Physicality. Body movement. By caring for our bodies, we ultimately care for our minds.

3rd R: Ritual of Live Nourishment. We should only eat live foods, so it is best to follow a vegetarian diet.

4th R: Ritual of Abundant Knowledge. Throughout our life, we should keep learning – so find a way to keep our minds stimulated by reading or studying.

5th R: Ritual of Personal Reflection. Could we have done anything better today?

6th R: Ritual of Early Awakening. Sleep for around six hours and rise with the sun.

7th R: Ritual of Music. Listening to music as much as possible is lovely because it lifts our mood.

8th R: Ritual of the Spoken Word. It is about creating a personal mantra to inspire us.

9th R: Ritual of a Congruent Character. This step's point is to ensure that we always follow our principles.

10th R: Ritual of Simplicity. Conduct a simple life and focus on our priorities and meaningful activities.

4. Live a disciplined life and manage your time wisely.

The Sages assured a vow of silence for a prolonged period is an excellent way to condition the will.

It symbolizes the fifth virtue of the Sivana System, which is respecting our time. Time mastery is life mastery.

Therefore, we must use our time efficiently and plan how we spend it.

Take 15 minutes before we go to bed to plan out the next day. On Sundays, take an hour to plan the following week.

Another teaching is to be ruthless with our time and learn when to say no.

Live each day as if it were our last – that way, we will not end up wasting time agreeing to an activity that we do not want to engage in.

It helps to ask oneself, "Would I want to spend my last day on earth doing this?"

5. Selflessly serve others and live in the present for a joyful, rewarding existence.

The monks said we should always be kind and compassionate toward others as it improves our life.

Take a moment every morning to think about what good we can spread in the world and how we can better other people's lives.

We can do this by sincerely praising others, helping our friends when they are in need, and showing affection toward our family.

Behaving in such a kind and earnest way will lead to a happier way of life.

Practice gratitude daily.

That means always appreciating our health, our family, and even the sound of the birds singing in the trees. Nothing is more important than this right now.


Robin Sharma. (2022, June 06). Book Source. Personal. The monk who sold his Ferrari.


These are all personal notes and reviews; The self interpretations are not meant for any profit or marketing.

Suggestion to readers

Please read the entire book. Suggested.

--------------------------------------Thank you, Gratitude, Love and Light-----------------------------------

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