Step 0: What: Used to acknowledge work of others. Required in all you research papers.
Sources: Book, Journal, Newspaper, Webpage, Video, Graph/Chart/Image, Quote someone, etc.
Step 1: Where to use:
1. Body of your Text.
2. End of your work.
Step 2: Body of text - (Deb,2022) , Format – ({Author Second Name}, { Year of Publication})
Quoting from a book – (Deb,2022, p66) , Format – ({Author Second Name}, { Year of Publication},{page number of book})
These smaller details in the body of text are called Citations. The fuller details are at the end of your work in the reference list.
Step 3: Referring material by many authors: (Deb et all, 2022) , Format – ({Author Second Name} et all, { Year of Publication})
Step 4: Incorporating Citations:
A. I agree with Deb’s theory on …. (Deb,2022)
Format: {Statement.} {Citation at the end of the statement}
B. Deb (2022) states that the theory of relativity….
C. Format: {Name of Author} (Year) {statement}
{*Citation at the beginning/in of the statement}
D. Direct Quote: According to Deb “the theory of relativity……” (Deb,2022, p84)
E. Format: According to/Author states/etc. {Direct quote/statement} ({Name of Author},{Year},{Page number}) {*Citation at the end of the statement}
Step 5: Reference List: At the end
A. Three main sources: Books/Journals/Website
B. Other resources: Videos/Podcasts/Radio Broadcast/Interviews
C. Books: Format – ({1. Author’s name (2nd,1st initial)}. {2. Year of Publication} {3. Title}. {4. Edition, if 2nd or above only}. {5. Place of publication}: {6. Publisher})
D. E-Books: Format – ({1. Author’s name (2nd,1st initial)}. {2. Year of Publication} {3. Title}. {4. Edition, if 2nd or above only}. {5. Place of publication}: {6. Publisher}. {7. Full web address}. {8.Date Last accessed})
E. Title to be in b/I/U. Choose one and be consistent.
F. Example for Book: Deb, S. (2022). Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.3rd edition. Abu Dhabi: Tata Mc Graw Hill.
G. For Journals/ Magazine: Author’s name-Year of publication-Article Title-Journal Title-Volume Number-Issue Number-Edition-Page numbers of the article. Not all the information like article number might not be there. Provide what details you can.
H. If online, add full URL, date last accessed.
I. Example for Journal: Deb, S and Sengupta, S. (2022). The Sorcerer’s Stone Article. The Wizarding World Journal, Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 300- 312.
J. For Websites: Author’s Name-Year of publication OR No date (if you can’t find the year of the website was published)- Article Title- Full URL – The date you last accessed that web page.
K. Example for Website: Deb, S (2022). The Goblet of Fire. URL: www.abc.com/TheWizardingWorld/Journal123.html, [Date last accessed: 29th February,2022].
L. For webpage if you cant find the name of the author then use the organization name, else avoid and use a more reliable source. “No date” to be used if you can’t locate the date.
M. Reference list to be arranged in alphabetical order. There should be only 1 Reference list.
N. Difference bet Reference List and Bibliography: RL consist of citations; Bibliography contains everything that you read even if you haven’t cited it.
O. Secondary Referencing: Citing a source that has cited another source. Cite the source that you have read and not the original source.
P. Example Secondary Referencing: In his work from 2019, Sengupta says “….” (as cited in Deb,2022 p. 21) [ Sengupta says this and is quoted by Deb in his journal]
Q. OR Deb (2022, page 21) quotes Sengupta (2019) when he says “…….”.
R. OR Deb (2022, page 21, citing Johnson, 2019) says that “………”.
S. Online generator: https://www.citethisforme.com/citation-generator/harvard